
BFC adalah grup independent

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

istilah bonek

istilah Bonek, akronim bahasa Jawa dari Bondho Nekat (modal nekat), biasanya ditujukan kepada sekelompok pendukung atau suporter kesebelasan Persebaya Surabaya, walaupun ada nama kelompok resmi pendukung kesebelasan ini yaitu Yayasan Suporter Surabaya (YSS). Di persepak bolaan Indonesia, bonek banyak digambarkan sebagai pendukung yang sering membuat kerusuhan, dari mulai tidak membayar tiket kereta api, sampai bentrok dengan aparat keamanan dan pendukung kesebelasan lawan.

Istilah bonek pertama kali dimunculkan oleh Harian Pagi Jawa Pos tahun 1989,[rujukan?] untuk menggambarkan fenomena suporter Persebaya yang berbondong-bondong ke Jakarta dalam jumlah besar. Secara tradisional, Bonek adalah suporter pertama di Indonesia yang mentradisikan away supporters (pendukung sepak bola yang mengiringi tim pujannya bertandang ke kota lain) seperti di Eropa.[rujukan?] Dalam perkembangannya, ternyata away supporters juga diiringi aksi perkelahian dengan suporter tim lawan. Tidak ada yang tahu asal-usul, Bonek menjadi radikal dan anarkis. Jika mengacu tahun 1988, saat 25 ribu Bonek berangkat dari Surabaya ke Jakarta untuk menonton final Persebaya – Persija, tidak ada kerusuhan apapun.
Secara tradisional, Bonek memiliki lawan-lawan, sebagaimana layaknya suporter di luar negeri. Saat era perserikatan, lawan tradisional Bonek adalah suporter PSIS Semarang dan Bobotoh Bandung. Di era Liga Indonesia, lawan tradisional itu adalah Aremania Malang, The Jak suporter Persija, dan Macz Man fans PSM Makassar. Di era Ligina, Bonek justru bisa berdamai dengan Bobotoh Persib Bandung dan Suporter PSIS Semarang.

Beberapa peristiwa kekacauan yang disebabkan “Bonek mania” antara lain adalah kerusuhan pada pertandingan Copa Dji Sam Soe antara Persebaya Surabaya melawan Arema Malang pada 4 September 2006 di Stadion 10 November, Tambaksari, Surabaya. Selain menghancurkan kaca-kaca di dalam stadion, para pendukung Persebaya ini juga membakar sejumlah mobil yang berada di luar stadion antara lain mobil stasiun televisi milik ANTV, mobil milik Telkom, sebuah mobil milik TNI Angkatan Laut, sebuah ambulans dan sebuah mobil umum. Sementara puluhan mobil lainnya rusak berat. Atas kejadian ini Komisi Disiplin PSSI menjatuhkan hukuman (sebelum banding) dilarang bertanding di Jawa Timur selama setahun kepada Persebaya, kemudian larangan memasuki stadion manapun di seluruh Indonesia kepada para bonek selama tiga tahun.

Sekitar Agustus 2006, bonek dijatuhi sanksi lima kali tidak boleh mendampingi timnya saat pertandingan away menyusul ulah mereka yang memasuki lapangan pertandingan sewaktu Persebaya menghadapi Persis Solo di final divisi satu. Ironisnya, tahun 2005, Persebaya justru rela dihukum terdegradasi ke divisi satu gara-gara mundur di babak 8 besar. Pihak klub beralasan untuk melindungi bonek agar tidak disakiti.

Namun tidak selalu Bonek bertindak anarkis ketika kesebelasan Persebaya kalah. Tahun 1995, saat Ligina II, Persebaya dikalahkan Putra Samarinda 0 – 3 di Gelora 10 November. Tapi tidak ada amuk Bonek sama sekali. Para Bonek hanya mengeluarkan yel-yel umpatan yang menginginkan pelatih Persebaya mundur.

Saat masih di Divisi I, Persebaya pernah ditekuk PSIM 1 – 2 di kandang sendiri. Saat itu juga tidak ada aksi kerusuhan. Padahal, jika menengok fakta sejarah, hubungan suporter Persebaya dengan PSIM sempat buruk, menyusul meninggalnya salah satu suporter Persebaya dalam kerusuhan di kala perserikatan dulu.


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SENIN, 22 MARET 2010

bonek nomer tiga dunia

Many people say that supporters are the 12 players in a football team. This statement is true, because the supporters are elements that always give injections spirit and motivation for his favorite team players. Therefore, it is no wonder if a team wins more often achieved at home.

The football supporter was wholeheartedly in support of their favorite teams, and some have to sacrifice lives just to support her favorite team. Almost all the supporters throughout the world must have a sense of loyal and fanatical, but do you know which supporters of the country which have predicate as football’s most fanatic supporters?

10. German
Top 10 Most Football fanatic supporter

Germany Supporter

One of the countries with an advanced football is a country which has many fanatical supporters. Many of their supporters are willing to adventure around Germany only to follow a seasonal tour of their idol team. their loyalty level is very high, even a percentage of the average density of the stadium could reach 85%. Germany fanatical supporter base is Bayern Munich and Hertha Berlin.

9. Japan
Top 10 Most Football fanatic supporter

Japan Supporter

Since its success in organizing the World Cup 2002, the public interest in a football game in Japan increased sharply. Evidenced by the increase in the average density of the stadium from 80% to 86.6%. The most Fanatic supporters are supporters of the team Gamba Osaka. They are known as a supporter who dared to die in order to support the super Gamba.

8. Spain
Top 10 Most Football fanatic supporter

Spain Supporter

As one of the three main countries of European football, spanish teams have tough and good quality, high rivalry between the teams is also an increasing impact on the level of loyalty among supporters of the team. The average density of the stadium in the Spanish reached 87%. The most fanatic supporters are in Valencia, Barcelona, Real Madrid, and Atletico Madrid.

7. Dutch
Top 10 Most Football fanatic supporter

Dutch Supporter

“Total Football” which is shown by the Dutch also support balanced with support from the Dutch football supporters. This is evidenced by the average density reaching the stadium 89%. And the fanatical supporter base is Ajax.

6. Mexico
Top 10 Most Football fanatic supporter

Mexico Supporter

This one of great football country from America continent was known to have a lot of fanatical supporters. The way they shown their fanatical, is they always reveal the identity of their Mexican in support of their favorite football team. The average density of the stadium reached 90%. Fanatical supporter base is Chivas Guadalajara.

5. Italy

Top 10 Most Football fanatic supporter

Italy Supporter

In Italy, fanaticism supporters are very high. Supporter from Italy known as tough supporter, even almost every club has a beyond-normal supporters (ULTRAS), which is usually always give a total support for the team . The average density reaching 93% stadionpun. fanatical supporter base is Rome, Juventus and Milan and Inter Milan.

Top 10 Most Football fanatic supporter

Brazil Supporter

Countries known as the largest supplier of soccer players in this world is one country that has a fanatical football supporter. Countless life has been gone since the Riot among supporters in the Brazilian league. Supporter Brazil was known to be loyal to the team. The average density Stadium could even reach 93%. Fanatical supporter base is Sao Paulo FC.

Top 10 Most Football fanatic supporter

Indonesia Supporter

That said, this is one of the most riot claimed in league football supporter. Exaggerated sense of fanaticism which is sometimes gave a very negative impact. Even Franz Beckenbauer was shock after seeing the video riot of Indonesian supporters. He said that Indonesia is one country that has very loyal supporter. And it proved with the high average density of the stadium in Indonesia could reach 96%. Indonesia fanatical supporter base are Persebaya,

2. Argentina
Top 10 Most Football fanatic supporter

Argentina Supporter

Argentina loyalty of supporters in support of their idol team is indeed no doubt. The supporter was considered the victory as the team fixed price. So no wonder if they totally support their team to gain victory. Just like Indonesia, in Argentina, too many fights between supporters of causing casualties. The average level of the stadium bise density reaches 97%. Fanatical supporter base is River Plate and Boca Junior.

1. England
Top 10 Most Football fanatic supporter


And the number one among the top 10 of fanatical Supporter is England. The Supporter incessantly singing the national anthem of their team throughout the 90 minutes to support their team. Even at the country level, also known English hooligans as the most fanatical supporters. This hooligans also never afraid to make riot in others country. Their loyalty is no doubt. The average density of the stadium could reach 99%. And the fanatical supporter base in the UK are Liverpool and Manchester United.